
good morning raffi!

as i sit here, still listening to our morning raffi dance music, i am preparing myself for this post. i actually might make this a couple of posts because this weekend, while being immensely enjoyable and full of friends, family and love, was long. and chock full of good remake, rearranging and as jeffrey puts it, "renovating". only no walls were taken down and we did not lift up our wood floors only to find amazing and new carpet! haha

so i will begin with this side table. it used to belong to my great grandmother, kathleen, and i remember when it used to sit beside her bed, which also was passed on to me, and she always had a glass of water on it, of course accompanied by a coaster. so as much as i loved the table, it had seen better days and so i decided to smarten! it up and here it is before it was smartened!...

annnnnd after! i chose purple because i love the peacock hue theme that i have in my living room and thought that purple was fun and then one day when i have a little girl (fingers crossed) i can make it a little dress up vanity with jewelry and pretty things on it. mmm i love to plan ahead.
next we have little bears new rocking chair. well, new to us. my mom has so many friends who are always offering us free stuff that their kids have grown out of, are tired of, etc. and our newest acquisition is this adorable rocking chair! i liked it white but thought that it needed a little sprucing so here it is before...
and after! no, we dont live outside, but i do have to paint it out there and the light looked good so anyways. ta- da! its blue, the ultimate boy color and can easily transition in to bigger little boy room and i like it. 
sooo, done for now because i seriously need to run and do the morning dishes. more to come, most likely this afternoon, but perhaps tonight. enjoy and remember to smarten! your world. 


  1. woman. give me your blogger email and i will invite you to my blog. much love.


  2. kpi1016@yahoo.com ...ask me! ask me!
