check out that AWESOME Easter outfit my child is wearing. oh yes, an adorable buffalo plaid button up annnnnnd adidas soccer shorts. can you guess which part of the outfit my husband picked out? oh, and my super cute sister. she literally looks just like my mom.
today was one of the "chitty chitty" kind of days.------
a new addition to the skatie dictionary;
"Chitty Chitty"- pretty much the same as sucky, or crappy, or sh*^%y. not great.
Campbell's headstone was finally put in on friday and today, when hubs came home to grab some dejeuner, i was a mean wife, like snappy and crude and mean. so he sent me away. and i went to see our girl. and it was beautiful and chitty all at once. sometimes thats all i can think . i throw myself a little pity party and say " this is the suckiest ( i pull out all my english background goodies with a word like THAT ) and i hate it".
so, for the rest of the day, i will go to kickbutt, come home and make pizza with my boys, think about my sweet baby girl and other little girls who have lost their momma.
who i didnt even know, but i think about her husband, and her little girls, and how she is now with my little girl, all the time.
chitty chitty days are definitely the worst.